Getting Started Is Easy

1. Decide what you want or need to do to help.

Reachout America Decide Graphic
Are you interested in volunteering your time to raise funds and support a child’s camp experience? If so, please take a moment to read the information below on how you can get involved! If you prefer to make a monetary donation, you can do so by visiting our donations page. For those in need of court-ordered community service hours, our sister site,, can assist you. Similarly, if you require service learning hours for graduation or promotion to the next grade level, you can find help at our other site, Whichever path you choose, your efforts will yield wonderful results. By actively engaging in your community, you help raise awareness for a national nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting children with special needs and life-threatening illnesses. Through your personal sponsorship, you enable a child from your community to experience the joy of attending a fun-filled camp. Furthermore, by volunteering or completing your school or court requirements, you contribute positively to your community. Your actions truly make a difference and create a positive impact on the lives of those in need.

2. Decide how you want to send a child in need to camp.

Reachout America Decide boy at camp with horse
If you’re interested in raising money, take a moment to explore the information below on how you can achieve this goal. For those who wish to contribute coins, stamps, watches or collectibles, we invite you to visit our donations page. Alternatively, if you’re looking to recycle cell phones and help us earn $1-$60 per phone collected, you can head over to our friends at the Wireless Alliance. Our mission at Reachout America is to make the world a better place, and you can be a part of it in various ways. Whether you decide to volunteer your time to raise funds or donate goods, or if you have community service hours to fulfill, your efforts will directly and profoundly impact the lives of children in need, uplifting and inspiring them. Making a personal commitment to work with Reachout America is the first step towards achieving your goals. Once you’ve made this decision, the next step is to determine how you want to get involved. To help you get started, we’ve compiled a wealth of ideas and provided links on these pages. Take action today and make a positive difference in the lives of those who need it most!

Send A Kid To Camp
Community Service For School
Court Ordered Community Service
Recycling For Charities