Some Sad But True Facts

- 20.8 percent of children in the USA under age 18 are poor
- 25 percent of children under age six live in poverty (twice the child-poverty rate of any other “industrial” country;
- Poverty is the leading cause of hunger in the U.S;
- In New York City alone (the “World’s Greatest City”), on any given night, 16,000 little boys and girls are homeless;
- More than 60% of low-income families have no books at all at home for their children;
- There are more than 65,000 deaf and 55,000 blind children in America;
- Over 2,000 kids are living with AIDS;
- On any given day in America, 900,000 children, some as young as seven, are engaged in child labor; many children are engaged in child prostitution; 131,000 are parent-less; 27 kids die from causes associated with poverty, and 3 die from abuse or neglect (at least two of which are under 5 years old);
- 126,000 babies are born with major birth defects primarily attributable to insufficient prenatal care and nutritional inadequacy;
- 30,000 children are disabled by abuse and neglect;
- More than a million kids run away from home;
- 1 out of every 40 children born in America is either Down or Autistic;
- 1 out of 3 teenagers never graduate High School.
Among the 21 most affluent nations in the world, the United States has the highest percentage of impoverished children. In rural America, one in six children lives in poverty.
It is obvious our children and families need help and support, we hope you will Reachout America!
Children in your community: Do you know of a family in need of our help? Are they just too proud to ask for the help? We would like to hear about these families to see if we can help in some way. You just let us know – we’re here for the kids and their families.